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Let's look at what plagiarism is.

    Use another person's production without crediting them     Steal someone's words or ideas and claim them as yours     Act of using or imitating closely the language of another author without permission So, basically, plagiarism uses someone else's work without permission. Why does checking this benefit us? If you hire freelance writers to make articles, you need to make sure they have not just copied another article. You can be sued for using someone else's content, even if it's worth it? Another disadvantage to using someone else's content is duplicated. Google could choose your article as a duplicate and penalize you. By using the best plagiarism checkers, you can stay away from problems with Google and the publishers. Personally, I use Copyscape to check my fill content for my websites.20 and Niche. So, if you plan to create your own blog online, it's best to use unique content. Below I have listed the best plagiarism checker tools on the net that will help you. I use iWriter for all my articles.